1 ) What important discoveries were made during the rehearsal?
The aim of today's rehearsal was as follows:
Considering that we had to show our performances within the lesson today, we discussed what was necessary/ essential to be rehearsed/devised and decided what would be the best use of our time.
We were able to achieve lots within the rehearsal and decided to use extra rehearsal time (over break and lesson two) in order to complete the bingo scene. Both and Amy and Meg were able to extend the scripts (before and after both songs) which helps to clarify/ explain what has happened within each scene as beforehand it was too short - May have been confusing for the audience to follow!
2 ) What led to those discoveries?
Yesterday's production meeting and run helped us to realise what was still needed to be done and how we could shape our rehearsals in order to achieve completing these scenes. Furthermore, all of us came to rehearsals today focused and ready to work - Meg organised a time table for the lesson with clear aims (as shown in the picture above) which we were mostly able to stick to and complete.
3 ) Towards where do those discoveries lead?
Realising what we have/don't have, has helped us to plan our rehearsals- we know what still needs to be done and have made decisions on how to work around this. One particular example- one of our cast is ill and therefore cannot make rehearsals (or block/ provide the script for their scene) therefore we have begun to write/ plan a back up script that we can have ready in case it comes to the worst- if that person is no longer able to rejoin us!
Furthermore, I also now knows personally what I need to do in order to make sure these scenes are completed e.g. Learn scripts, practise harmonys, research into suicide, bring necessary props, brainstorm ideas for the final scene etc.
4 ) Consider questions No. 1-3 except focus on important roadblocks/dead ends.
At the end of our rehearsal we were able to watch each other's performances - these were all really good however very different from ours! We need to not be put off or distracted by this yet accept that ours is a different style/ theme/ genre/ play etc. and have confidence within our own choices and decisions.
Also today some of us were worried about our input and abilities within the group - we need to be really encouraging each other (especially as we've nearly reached the end performance!) and supporting each other's roles. Further to this, we also need to ensure that we accept everyone's ideas, listening and trying them out even if we don't end up using them!
6 ) Reflect on transformational leadership. How’s it going? What actions does this suggest?
Particularly today, we relied on Megan's leadership skills to guide us through the rehearsals. Without a structure or organisation to our rehearsal time, the group would have fallen apart and nothing productive would have been made. I found the timetable useful as we included a variety of different tasks - meaning that we were able to achieve more than just one goal and that these goals wouldn't become tedious (we wouldn't get bored or tired of doing the same scene- we could put our energy into lots of different scenes instead).
7 ) Reflect on the journey of one or both of the actors with whom you are working. How’s it going? What needs to happen next?
Although we all need some encouragement, Jess needs to be aware of how much we value her in our group and all the contributions she's made! She's done some really good research into suicide news reports and I love her idea of using a 'background'/green screen to record the news reporter. I also thought that George was really focused today and we were able to move through each scene quickly without distractions!
8 ) What is the most important thing that happened (or didn’t happen) in your recent rehearsal? Unpack its importance.
It's really helped me to watch back the other groups performances! Alongside enjoying what they've created, it's helped me to realise where I need to be in comparison- scripts need to be learnt and the movement needs to be more fluid! In future rehearsals I will aim to be more focused as I know how much we still need to complete and the potential we have within this time - we have the potential to create some really good acting/ movement.
The Macbeth group inspired me through their use of physical theatre and props - I loved how they used suitcases to show characterisation and the variety of movements - beyond simple, they had created moves 'outside of the box', using contact work and use of levels.
9 ) What is the most important thing that could happen in your next rehearsal? How will you shape the rehearsal in order to increase the odds of that “thing” happening?
As mentioned above, the most important thing that could happen in our next rehearsal is to make progress with either the beginning or last scene, transitions, and performing with lots of energy/ characterisation when performing to the rest of the class!
10 ) Consider where you’re at in the grand scheme of all rehearsals. How’s it going? What actions does this suggest?
The run through (and performance tomorrow) will hopefully enable us to discover exactly what needs to be done and how we can approach this in future rehearsals ( the feedback here will be particularly useful!). Comparing to other groups I feel we are in a similar position however we need to ensure that we perform with full energy and characterisation otherwise the play appears dull and is like a 'struggle'. The piece is heavily based on the portrayal of characters in order to successfully replicate a comedic style.
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