Friday, 9 May 2014

9th May Lesson Evaluation

1 ) What important discoveries were made during the rehearsal?

Within today's rehearsal,our main aim was to plot the costume and prop changes. Our performance is very reliant on the different characters, however, to introduce most of these characters, we each have to multirole. Therefore there are lots of significant costume changes -which help to make it clear to the audience the different characters (makes each one easily distinguishable). Alongside planning the different costume changes we also had to agree and place our order on costumes to ensure they are delivered in time for the show.

2 ) What led to those discoveries?

We realised in the previous rehearsal how important it would be to start rehearsing with costume/props as we are currently just miming- we need to rehearse with the physical props/ costume to make sure that we are able to use them,we know where to place them backstage and that any complications can be solved e.g. Helping to move each other's costumes into the right places.

3 ) Towards where do those discoveries lead?

Within the rehearsal Megan drew out a map of the hub whilst we all made 'paper cut outs' of ourselves to be plotted onto the map. We then drew a table, charting each scene and each character. Firstly for costume, We went through each individual within the scenes marking off each character and the costumes that would be needed at each point (considering where and how we would place them). Whilst we checked through each scene, we blocked this physically using the paper and drawn map- this helped us to visualise as well as just writing a list. To further help us understand and test wether our costume plan worked, we wrote each item of clothing/ costume on a piece of paper- pre-setting them around the college. We then walked through each scene together, holding up one of the pieces of paper to represent our current costume whilst placing the other ps in the correct spaces. Through doing this we were able to discover any issues that we'd missed and also understand physically how it will work during the performance.

Considering how well this plan worked, we used the same method for planning the props- however we are yet to walk this through physically.

4 ) Consider questions No. 1-3 except focus on important roadblocks/dead ends.

The roadblocks/ dead ends that could occur as a result of this is if we 'switch off' during the performance or don't learn the order of costume placing- if one of the costumes is in the wrong place, it could ruin/ effect the whole piece. As mentioned before, our piece is very character driven- relies on each character ( each character has a major role and specific purpose!)

6 ) Reflect on transformational leadership.  How’s it going?  What actions does this suggest?

Although Meg took charge with plotting out map/ table (which was a brilliant and very useful idea!), we all contributed towards this, offering alternate solutions, listing all the different costumes needed. This activity needed a leader to hold it together otherwise it would have got very confusing and taken too much time!

7 ) Reflect on the journey of one or both of the actors with whom you are working.  How’s it going?  What needs to happen next?

Now that we have got the props and costume sorted, our next plan of action is to complete the play ready for the run next Wednesday! We had also previously set a deadline for learning scripts ( which was Wednesday) however now this has changed to Monday- this gives us time to practise a couple of full runs (with costume and props) without having to worry about lines- this will also give us an indication as to timing and enable us to act freely (focus in the acting and quality rather than lines).

8 ) What is the most important thing that happened (or didn’t happen) in your recent rehearsal?  Unpack its importance.

It was so useful to plan the costume/ props and the backstage logistics (where each person needs to be at what time and where). This has helped me to feel more confident- I am now able to relax knowing exactly what I'm doing and when - I can now focus on the acting and line learning!

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